Algorithmic Artscape by...

Renée Carmichael

What first struck me about the platform was the idea of "space", that it gave me the possibility to create my own space on the screen, which then quickly opened up to how that would translate into the space of my body, the space of my studio, and also behind the scenes in the code and the console log.

        (1) Make the space on the platform/screen; experiment with that space and the body.
        (2) Experiment with that space in the studio/room space and the body.
        (3) Experiment with the space in between the screen and the body and the physical space.
        (4) Edit and overlay those spaces to create a new space that is neither one nor the other.

The movements and the audio files I used are from the experimental ópera that I just premiered at the Festival Nueva Ópera Buenos Aires, titled "La virgen de los generados". It is based on a short story I wrote where "La prototipa" is born. You can find more info ↗ here and ↗ here.

Renee Carmichael a writer, editor, artist and performer based in Argentina. She dances algorithms and experiments with the (in)computable rhythms between body, code and movement. In her writing she explores the materiality of language and its performative edges. She has a Master's Degree in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice from Goldsmiths College in London. In 2023 she published her first book, "¿Dónde y cuándo termina un sitio web? Anotaciones sobre el código den oráculo", which explores the rhythms of reading algorithms. Her experimental opera "La virgen de los generados" won the Williams Foundation New Opera Grant and premiered in the Festival Nueva Ópera Buenos Aires in October 2024. She is founder of the experimental publishing project Flee Immediately!, and writes regularly for her newsletter "Between body and cuerpo".